Motorists: beware the mechanical whir of leisure. Criterion Collection’s wreckage-filled stills from Weekend

Although we love l’art pour l’art as much as the next postmodern aesthete-cum-aviator themed weblog, we’re also thoroughgoing political absurdists. So, all in all, we’re glad Jean-Luc Godard got off that weirdly Catholic purism of the early Cahiers du Cinema crowd and delved into his own committed style of satirical Marxism (even if, at times, it admittedly vacillates between incoherence and heavy handedness).

One of the more memorable gems of anti-capitalist cinema is, in our opinions, the mind-numbingly long traffic jam tracking shot in Weekend. Criterion Collection has amassed this lovely gallery of twisted metal from the film, reproduced here for your alienated pleasure.

via Criterion Collection